About us
The power of the mind, through writing.
Our imagination is our personal door to a new reality, which is no less certain than the world we live in. You see, the things we experience are not out there, but in our minds. We all create our own world and live in it.
This is what this page is about; exploring the power of the mind and sharing it with the world, through writing.
Why The Chernobyl Bunny?
While searching for the concept of the webpage, I wanted something that represented the essence of who I am. I began for key words: sociable, creative, daydreamer. And so I found this on Urban Dictionary:
“A Chernobyl Bunny is playful and loveable. Very sociable by nature, she could very often be the center of attention, although her attention is often elsewhere”
But it was with the following line that I knew this was the concept I was looking for:
“The Chernobyl Bunny, for many hours of the day, will sit in an unresponsive state; experts believe that the bunny is “daydreaming”, about what, remains to be seen…”
An avalanche of memories poured into my mind with the countless times when I have completely (and involuntarily) disconnected from the present moment and fully lost control of my thoughts, leaving my body and just travelling with my mind. I am sure this has happened to you as well.
It is as if the mind was like this restless, playful animal who is trapped in a cage, say like, a bunny, right? Each of us has his own witty, mythical bunny who, no matter how thick the bars of the cage, will always find the way to escape, and get lost. And then we always have to chase it back; whenever we can, of course.
Welcome to The Chernobyl Bunny, my fellow daydreamers!
“The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say”
— Anais Nin.