The most interesting place

By Viviana Benfenati.

Image credits: Nina Pascal

The most interesting place I ever visited is located far away from where I currently live; the furthest place I have ever been to. It was a town like no other, where the streets are made of rock and the sky is always blue. It was really hot, as I arrived in the middle of the summer. Nonetheless, people were dressed in very heavy, colorful clothing, sewn by themselves. Clothing was a very special and unique part of their culture.

Huge, furry animals wandered the streets together with their owners, with whom they even shared matching outfits.

I fell in love with every corner of this place: the warmth with which people welcomed me, a foreigner, in their home. The exquisite food with special spices and exotic ingredients, whose secrets have only been unveiled to those who have known this magical town ever since they came into the world.

A place like no other, where people find richness in simplicity, wealth in a neighbour's hug, love in a folk song, and a brother in a stranger across the street. This is what travelling is about, I said to myself.

Can you guess where this is?

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Patagonia, the 7 lakes and the little town of stories