viviana osores viviana osores

Who Will Sing to You

Movie review: Who Will Sing to You (Quién te cantará), one more gem in the world of Spanish cinema 🎬💜🌟

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viviana osores viviana osores

The king of comedy

Movie review: The King of Comedy, the sensible side of insanity (Alert! Spoilers!)

The first step to solving our problems is to laugh at them. The story of an apparently senseless man, obsessed with the biggest dream of his life, who is willing to do everything it takes to make it come true. Could Rupert be the perfect metaphor for modern society, and the struggle of the people who are part of its system?

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viviana osores viviana osores

Coming soon!

Another journey through the infinite world of movies.

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viviana osores viviana osores

Coming soon!

Another journey through the infinite world of movies.

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