Jerry and Amara get ready to attend the auction for the perfect home. While they wait for the best time to shoot their bid, they have already lit every room with their incandescent hope and painted the walls with the sound of their pounding, desperate hearts. They have a plan to get the house, and money is just one way to do it.
Count Dracula's diary
If Dracula had kept a diary, what would he write in it? What secrets would he entrust to those forbidden pages, concealed to any other set of eyes but his own? And how would his writing style be? These are the questions that my fifteen-year-old self ventured to resolve, and my 32 yo self managed to complete.
Mr. Doukas, the most famous puppeteer in town, lived in a world crafted by his imagination. Through carefully polished blocks of wood, he found a way to make his memories immortal. It is not a hobby, it is magic coming to life!, he said, without imagining how right he was.
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